Jake, Where Are You From?

Jake, where are you from?

Where are you from, Jake?


I’m From baseball practice everyday, smacking homers over the left field fence, but still never in a game, dreaming of the big stage playing in front of thousands of fans every night and getting that walk of hit.


I’m from delicious home cooked meals every night with my sister Gianna my brother Cameron and my mom and my dad. Thanks too my mom we never have too worry about the food it’s always perfect.


I’m from dreaming of space and wondering  why we can’t go further than the moon.I’ve always been interested in space and if i had the opportunity to go up in a space shuttle i would definitely go.

I’m from the loving comfort of my wonderful house always having friends and family at every corner for me to lean on and making me smile whenever I need a little pick up after a bad day.


I’m from always making people smile and laugh always wanting to do the right thing and always trying hard although I mess up sometime so does everyone were human nobody’s perfect and we better get used to it.

I’m that practice-every night, delicious meal-eating,Space-dreaming,comfort-loving,smile-making man

Thats Where I’m From

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