I’m from cool, crisp autumn mornings, sweat pouring down my forehead, perfecting my passing skills with my dad. The soccer ball being kicked effortlessly through the air, constantly in motion. My dad’s mantra in my head, reminding me of how I should play soccer. “Work harder than everyone, but remember to have fun.”
I’m from the New York Yankees. Each summer, seeming to slow the week before my chosen game. Father and son, together, enjoying run after run, out after out. Each hit prompting our brains to think back to our favorite game of all time. The crowd is on its feet, waiting for the historic hit. Price throws the pitch, Derek Jeter swings. The ball floats through the air and the fans are screaming. Far louder than any sound I’d previously heard and have heard to date. That homer was hit number 3,000.
I’m from long cars drives, nearly road trips, listening to Queen pumping through the speakers followed by a “psyche out” song of “Hell’s Bells.” Then, seeking advice from my dad for the upcoming sporting event, the music everlasting.
I’m from grueling sprints and possession soccer drills. Working harder than everyone else, yet managing to have fun as well. Trying my best, never stopping, never quitting. Defeating frustration, as it tries to take away my love of the sport.
I’m from the woods. Trying to decipher a map to find the path to get us out. Hiking up hills, (and down), scrambling up rock, my mom never far behind. “Mom, don’t fall and break your neck.” “Ha-ha. Very funny. Now help me up.” At times, losing the path, but never losing hope.
I’m that morning-playing, Yankees-cheering, music-listening, frustration-beating, map-deciphering, boy.
That’s where I’m from.
I liked reading your story very much(except for the Yankees part) even though I din’t like the Yankees, I really liked the explanation that you had for the pitch to Derek Jeter from Price when he hit his 3000th hit and it being a home run! One thing I would add is the description, maybe describe the places where you were sitting when that happened. But, this was a very good piece overall.
I like the line that says ” Price throws the pitch, Derek Jeter swings. The ball floats through the air and the fans are screaming. Far louder than any sound I’d previously heard and have heard to date. ” it makes me feel like I was at that game and was right next to you when Jeter hit the home run. Next time you should add in your reaction.
I enjoyed when you talked about passing with your dad. You really set the scene when you said, ” cool, crisp autumn mornings, sweat pouring down my forehead.”
I could picture you passing to your dad. Also you added alot of pictures and that made your story even more interesting. The one thing I would add, is how you played in your soccer games after all the practice.
I really liked reading your poem. I especially liked the description of you playing soccer outside with your dad, and the line about your dad’s mantra. I also liked the dialogue put in when you were hiking with your family. Good job.
Grant Kornblatt
I really liked how you set the scene of the game using description and adding a picture. I also liked how you used the world “decipher” it really added more detail.
Dear Luke,
I really enjoyed reading your poem. It was very helpful for me to picture Jeters’ 3,000th hit. You gave a very thorough description of this historic event in Yankees history. One thing you could have added was to tell the audience where you were during his hit. I could relate to you in many ways in your writing, such as being a yankees fan, and listening to music.