Nate Bass letter essay #3:The little prince

the-little-prince-best-quotes-cover-800x469.jpg (1100×645)Recently, I finished reading The Little Prince, a fancy book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The author was a pilot in the french air force but, was not captured in the surrender of France.  He may have encountered mechanical failures. Pilot illness could have occurred. He could have encountered the luftwaffe, and got shot down. The book sells about two million copies each year. It has been translated into more than 200 languages. It really is sad that the author could not see the success of his book.


In the novel The Little Prince There is a World War II Pilot Flying in Africa who had  to make a crash landing in the desert after engine trouble. He only has enough water to last a week. He goes to sleep and he wakes up to a strange little voice saying ¨draw me a sheep.¨ He drew a picture of a sheep and gave it to the little prince. The pilot was relieved. Now he can get back to fixing his plane. Then the next morning he was back. Around the middle of the book The little prince started talking about the asteroids and other planets. Then the little prince’s planet. What I found kind of odd is he can see a sunset on his planet I just moving his chair. The little prince went on and on about other asteroids. In one of the chapters I was thinking what happened to the pilot. The pilot ran out of water. The Little Prince went off and found in which animals. The little prince decided to help the pilot and show him the way to a well. Will the pilot fix his plane  and will he survive.


Personally I would rate this book a 10 of 10. It is the deepest and best piece of literacy that I have ever read. The reason behind that is the way it feels when you reading the book. You can picture everything. It’s like you’re hearing some kind of amazing story about a prince that somehow got on planet Earth. He lives on a tiny planet. I can definitely agree with what they said on the dust cover that the book is good for children and adults alike. I can definitely say that this is the best book I ever read. At first the book seems like a cartoon a book for a child. It seemed short and really easy but then it just gets really deep. People to this day are still thinking about the meaning of the book that probably got a lot to do with its popularity. I would recommend this for anyone that likes books that you have to think hard about to get. In the middle of the book the little prince is talking about how he visited asteroids. Personally I think that might mean something. I think the Asteroids that little prince symbolize the pilot and the countries he visited during the war. The most confusing part about the book is the symbolism. I wonder if the whole thing was a marriage or if the pilot was visited b a little prince.

Was the little prince helping the pilot. The reason is but became so famous is because it is vary mysterious. No one knows for a fact what the book is truly about. I chose the book because I was trying to find a good book so I just looked in the teacher favorites and I thought it’s going to be a good book . I find that the book was more than I could possibly expect. There is a lot of questions I would have for the author.

I see why this book became so popular despite the fact that it’s only 83 pages. At first I thought the book was to be about the pilot’s love for art and aviation and how he fixes his plane. I also thought that little prince will just keep appearing and asking for more drawings at one point.Then I realized it was going to be about The Little Prince and how the pilot.  I like the way the author’s ideas in the book.  I wish that the book was longer so I could read more about this intriguing story. I couldn’t understand the why the little prince wanted the pilot to draw him a sheep. Then I had to think about that for a while and later the book I figure out why the prince wanted a sheep. I think it has something to do with his childhood dreams of becoming a artist. Recommend a book for anyone that enjoys stories we have to think really deeply.


Sincerely Nate.

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1 thought on “Nate Bass letter essay #3:The little prince

  1. Lots of “Again and Again” signposts in The Little Prince, Nate. Why do you think the author constantly interrupted the story to bring up, for example, asteroids?

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