Hello Mr.Jockers. How are you? How is your day going? Is everybody still healthy? Anyway, I noticed today that we have gotten a lot more work this week than last week already, so I was correct about the work getting harder very fast. I just hope it does not get overwhelming, the work I mean. It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day outside today, so I am definitely going to go outside and play some basketball to take advantage of the beautiful day. I heard that yesterday was the deadliest day of the virus outbreak yet. That’s not good. I didn’t hear a lot about yesterday, but I knew it was bad. The coronavirus literally owns New York right now, it’s all over the place. I also heard that in some colleges, they are still making the kids do the online work, but they are not grading it because they said that when the kids are at home, they are not as focused or into the work as they would be if they were in the actual classroom. They would not give them tests, quizzes, projects, nothing that would have to be graded, but the kids would have to redo the rest of that school year at another time. I think that’s a good idea, because I know that I am definitely not as focused when I am on my bed as I would be if I was sitting at a desk in a classroom. I feel like if we did that though, we wouldn’t have to redo the school year, because this is just middle school, where we don’t learn about stuff that will help us later in life, but in college, you are studying what you want to do for the rest of your life, so they obviously have to redo everything they missed. Anyway, I will talk some more tomorrow, because my 15 minutes are up. Have a great day Mr.Jockers