Quarantine Zoom Meetings

Only one good thing has come from quarantine and that is that it has bringing my family a little bit closer together. I have a relatively large family (3 siblings, 30 cousins, and 12 aunts and uncles) so naturally we don’t all live close to each other. But, since we all have plenty of time now we thought it would be a good time to start spending more time connecting with each other. We have been utilizing the online chat room, Zoom, to meet up and talk every Sunday for about 30 minutes. We sometimes do actually activities or games, and sometimes we just catch up. It’s a bit chaotic with so many people but it is nice to see the whole family in one place.

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1 thought on “Quarantine Zoom Meetings

  1. I’ve also used Zoom to “hang out” with some friends whom I see usually just once or twice a year. Let’s do the same with our ILA class: I’d like to get everyone together, even if it is just for a few minutes. Google Meets today from 2-3; Period 8 ILA is from 2:45 to 3:00.

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