Bio-poem: Jack


Curious,Athletic, industrious, dependable

Son of John and Hilary, brother of Caroline

Lover of life, family, basketball

Who feels sad when his cats don’t snuggle him,embarrassed when he gets a bad grade , and blessed to be able to play basketball

Who finds happiness by skiing in Vermont,having delicious ice cream, and playing pick up basketball 

Who needs a basketball, a nice egg (sunny side up) to start his day, and a nice comfy bed to get his beauty sleep in.

Who gives love to his kitties, people in the stands a show to watch, and his sister tips on how to get better

Who fears snakes, clowns (the killer clowns), and hairy spiders

Who would like to see my cat not pee on my bed, my basketball team go and win our 2nd championship, and see covid end

Who enjoys playing basketball (a passion of mine since 8), playing video games such as, nba2k21 and minecraft, and skiing in the cold winters

Who likes to wear Nike shorts and a Nike tee in the summer, sweatpants and sweatshirts while chill-in in the house in the cold winters, and a bathing suit while at the nice pool


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