Bio Poem-Jessica H.


Caring, hard-working, athletic, smart

Daughter of Barry and Fran, sister of Justin

Lover of family, summer, and friends

Who feels happy when they are with friends, grateful doing what they love to do, and sad when a great day is over

Who finds enjoyment of being with family, happiness going on bike rides (with friends and family), joy playing sports

Who needs a brother to hang out with, a supportive family, and someone to talk to if they are hurting

Who gives their best effort in what they do, helps those who need it, and love and care to their family

Who fears losing a loved one, getting stuck in an elevator, and getting a bad grade

Who would like to see island beaches, sports games in person, and world hunger end

Who enjoys playing sports, talking with friends, and relaxing on a rainy day

Who likes to wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt when it’s raining, sporty shorts and t-shirts in the summer, and long sleeves and boots in the winter

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1 thought on “Bio Poem-Jessica H.

  1. Hi Jess,
    I liked reading your Bio-Poem. One line that I liked in particular was you needing “…a brother to hang out with….” because I can relate to this. My brother is always there for me, and I love hanging out with him, whether it’s when we play sports together or go on family road trips. One place where I think you could have better applied Writing Tip No. 1 is when you mentioned that you find joy in playing sports. As an interested reader, I would like to know which sports fill you with joy.
    Keira R.

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