Free Write – Brooke B.

I woke up to the waves crashing against the side of the boat and the sound of bacon sizzling on the stove. Splash!!! Sizzle!!! Splash!!! Sizzle!!! “Girls, breakfast is ready come and get it while its fresh.” Mom shouted as she knocked on are doors. “Coming” I responded with a slight voice crack of my dry throat. I opened my door and raced my sister up the stairs to get the last piece of bacon. When we got to my mom she said “share it I will make more later for lunch.” A few hours went by, and we were all getting into our bathing suits to get ready to go to a little beach that had big sand dunes. By the time we got there we set the anchor and waited patiently for my cousins to arrive on their boat. Once they arrived we raced off the boat and started swimming to the dunes. As I hit the water I felt a little shock the water was cold, but it felt good with the hot sun beaming on me all morning. Knowing my dramatic sister she was going to freak out with how cold the water was.  I was right, she just stood on the platform of the boat gently taping the water with her toes. Anyway me and my cousins raced into the dunes knowing it was going to take hours for Ava to get in the water. A few moments later “Yes finally we made it to the top!” my youngest cousin Charley shouted. “Charley be a little quieter they probably can hear you all the way from the boat.” I said with shortness of my breath. “How are you not breathing heavy that swim was horrendous?” I stated. Olivia responded with “because I actually know how to swim and I don’t doggy paddle the whole way and look like I’m drowning.” We continued walking along the top of the sand dunes and Charley kept collecting rocks and passing them to me and saying “can you swim these back to the boat for me, I want to put them in my room when I get home” and I kept responding back with “I don’t think I will be able to make it back without drowning to the bottom holding all of these rocks I mean you saw how hard it was on the swim here.” After almost 30 minutes pasted of us waking along the top of the dunes I had about 27 rocks in my arms, and I was starting to feel pain in my legs, so I told Charley that I saw a really sparkly rock over by the water, and she ran so fast down the dune to where I was pointing that I thought she was going to face plaint but me and Olivia followed slowly behind her. Moments after we got halfway down the dune I chucked all the rocks behind me so Charley wouldn’t notice. Me, Olivia and Charley started the swim again this time we walked most of the way back to the boat cause the tide had changed to low tide, that shortened the swim to only like 5 minutes. We got back to the boat and Charley asked for some food, of course she is like an eating machine. But at that point we all were getting hungry it was starting to become lunchtime. They all had some BLTs but I don’t like breed or Lettuce or tomatoes, so I just ate the bacon and made some Ramen noodles. Later that night we were back at the dock, and we left the sand dooms we all got showered and put on are comfortable clothes and sat on the back of the boat and played a couple of card games my personal favorite was roomie 500. After that long day of exciting adventures we all went to bed and got to wake up the next day to the same thing, with the water smacking against the side of the boat. 

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