Developing Minds Should Require Breaks

All kids from ages 4-14 have developing minds that should be required to take breaks from learning. Studies show that after recess or a break time, kids are more likely to be focused and less fidgety. Recess in fact, allows kids to do better in school. As said in an article by, recess is crucial to a child’s cognitive and emotional development, along with social interactions. The recess or outdoor time mostly tends to reduce stress which studies show that the less stress, the better children do in school. Most of that break time is taken away for misbehavior in class, almost ⅔ of teachers find this as a useful tactic to get kids to behave. However, 99 percent of teachers have said that all kids’ behaviors tend to get better after recess. Recess includes running, playing games, teamwork activities, and resolving conflicts within problems of these games. Those all involve fresh air or exercise which is crucial to a young developing mind.

Without recess, children often develop obesity faster. Problems that start as a kid tend to be harder to get rid of while the brain is still developing. Too much work or lack of breaks can cause a child or adult’s mental well being to suffer along with overall work performance. also states how crucial recess is, “Without adequate time for play, children lack the opportunities to build social skills, expand their creativity, or gain problem solving skills.” In 2000, only 42% of schools had recess which then decreased to 26% in 2014.However, it is extremely rare for any middle schools to have recess or breaks which can cause low test scores and distraction. Many kids have said that they are unfocused a lot more without getting fresh air.

2018 Survey on Recess - IPEMA - Voice of Play

Recess could help keep kids more organized and well balanced. The ability to make recess crucial to ages 4-14 could all be possible if the CAPSS organization could take a look at percentages and how much recess could benefit kids mentally and physically. The CAPSS organization is the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents. They have the capability which they are able to make recess a requirement for kids with young, developing minds. I believe that they should use that ability to make necessary changes to all middle schools and elementary schools to have recess and breaks.

Many don’t realize what beneficial effects come within that short amount of exercise or activities to rest kids’ brains. As said in a scholastic article, “Recess has improved memory and more focused attention,” Memory and attention span is beneficial to learning, along with social interaction, physical activities, and team exercises. Recess would benefit children and the schools.

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1 thought on “Developing Minds Should Require Breaks

  1. Hi Sierra,
    I enjoyed reading your editorial. I find it interesting with all of the facts you have. You stated in your reading that In 2000, only 42% of schools had recess which then decreased to 26% in 2014 this really made me think about how much stress school can be causing kids.

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