Daily Archives: March 23, 2021

Harassers Need to be Held Accountable for Sexual Harassment

In today’s society, 65% of all women and 25% of all men have experienced some form of street harassment, one of the many forms of sexual harassment, at some point in their lives, a statistic according to the Huffpost. 65% of ALL women and 25% of ALL men. And the scariest part is that, according … Continue reading Harassers Need to be Held Accountable for Sexual Harassment

The International Olympic Committee Must Punish Drug Abusing Athletes

Hurting others, hurting relationships, damaged mind, damaged body. These are all effects of drug use. People have been cheated out of medals and championships they rightfully won because the other team had an unfair advantage. Steroids/doping is bad overall, but yet, athletes still use them. According to an article in the journal Substance Abuse and … Continue reading The International Olympic Committee Must Punish Drug Abusing Athletes

Schools Should Educate Boys to Respect Women

Street harassment is usually first experienced by the age of 17, according to the National Public Radio. Street harassment is mostly unwanted comments, gestures, and actions forced on  strangers in a public place without their consent and is directed at them because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation, stated … Continue reading Schools Should Educate Boys to Respect Women

The United States Should Use Renewable Fuel Sources Entirely

When I was younger I loved learning about polar bears, around nowadays I learn how they are dying off.   Imagine younger generations, maybe even the next generation learning about polar bears the same way we learned about dinosaurs. Imagine telling them that it was humankind’s fault. But polar bears wouldn’t be the only species going … Continue reading The United States Should Use Renewable Fuel Sources Entirely

Is “Redskins” an offensive name for a team?

  “Redskins, Redskins, Redskins.” Is what you would be hearing if it weren’t for the sensitive people having to control everything they get offended by.  The Washington Redskins sadly changed their name to the Washington Football Team on July 2nd 2020. Why you may ask, well people were offended by the Redskins name because it’s … Continue reading Is “Redskins” an offensive name for a team?

Is depression taken seriously enough?

Many have most likely heard of depression, but do they really know what it is? Depression is a feeling where sadness and loss of interest takes over. Normal activities that you once enjoyed, no longer will be appealing. Many consider depression to be serious, but do they themself take it seriously? Depression affects around 300 … Continue reading Is depression taken seriously enough?

Trained Teachers and Child Care Workers

It is predicted that there are 25-50 active serial killers in the United States currently. Majority of those killers most likely displayed common psychopathic and sociopathic tendencies, such as hurting animals or narcissism, both things that could’ve been corrected if caught earlier. Imagine what the number of active serial killers would be if we had … Continue reading Trained Teachers and Child Care Workers