Category Archives: Period 4 ILA

James, Where Are You From?

I’m from the old fashioned white house with a pool in the back, and my two sisters always on the go, with the parents always looking for ways to embarrass me, and that crazy dog looking for attention and gets jealous whenever someone touches the cat instead of her. I’m from the dry lacrosse fields, … Continue reading James, Where Are You From?

Melissa, Where Are You From?

I’m from every Sunday morning, waking up to my father cooking breakfast and fighting with my brother and sister over whether he should make pancakes or waffles. I always fought for waffles. And always won because waffles are delicious I’m from starting every single day to music. I wake up to a new genre every … Continue reading Melissa, Where Are You From?

James B, Where Are You From?

I’m from a small neighborhood where we wave at every car that goes by and kids playing in the gravel street and down at our little pond in the heat of summer as boogie boards and stand up paddle boards splash through the water.   I’m from a tan house where there is always either … Continue reading James B, Where Are You From?