Tag Archives: government

Political Powers Need to Work to Save Muslims From the Nightmare of Concentration Camps

Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.  Imagine being held mercilessly captive, desperately fighting for survival, have labor forced upon you, become “re-educated,”  be interrogated, undergo psychological indoctrination, suffer from waterboarding, have your organs harvested, sexual … Continue reading Political Powers Need to Work to Save Muslims From the Nightmare of Concentration Camps

The Government Should Shut Schools

  In the United States alone there have been more than 1 million children covid cases, and yet schools are not closed all around the country.  This increases the cases of people worldwide, causing more and more people to die. Schools are making the problem worse because children spread the cases to adults, cases continue … Continue reading The Government Should Shut Schools