Tag Archives: Sad

Letter Essay #6 – Looking for Alaska By: Claudia M.

    Disclaimer: If you are sensitive on the topic of death, I would recommend not reading this. Not too long ago, I finished reading a book by the name Looking for Alaska. It is a 221 paged realistic novel written by John Green. John Green is an award-winning, #1 bestselling author of Looking for … Continue reading Letter Essay #6 – Looking for Alaska By: Claudia M.

Brother Blind Movie Trailer

Death of The Farm

It was a typical Thursday.It was bright and sunny, and only a few clouds dotted the sky. I had a typical life family and non typical pet. I had five chickens: Tina, Luna, Snooki, Vicky,and Sadie. There was nothing more important to me than them. Feeding them, warming them, keeping them entertained, and keeping them … Continue reading Death of The Farm