I’m from waking up at 6:45 each morning, and giving my almost 11 year old dog Max what seems like a whole list of different pills and medications
I’m from getting home from school Monday through Thursday and starting on my homework right away so I have the rest of the afternoon free
I’m from holidays with my family and what seems like eating a five course Italian meal every time we are all together
I’m from waking up on Christmas morning with my brothers Jimmy and Jack and sister Katie, rushing to the tree to see what we got
I’m from baseball. Playing all the way up from tee ball and spending hot summer afternoons at Fenway hoping for win
I’m from spending weeks on Cape Cod during the summer and swimming on the beaches of Florida in the spring
I’m that waking-up-early, homework-doing, holiday-spending, baseball-watching, vacationing guy. That’s where I’m from.