Letter Essay #7 Keely LiCastri

Recently I finished Everything, Everything, a 310-page realistic fiction book by a New York Times bestselling author Nicola Yoon. She grew up in Jamaica and Brooklyn.

Everything, Everything is a very popular book and was made into a movie in 2017. It has been translated into 25 languages. It’s a must to read this book since it’s a New York Times bestselling, and I’m so glad I did. My mom bought this book for me for Christmas, along with two other awesome books.

Unlike in The Sun is Also A Star, there is only one perspective and that is Madeline’s perspective. Madeline is an extremely curious and smart who likes to use their imagination. She is an 18-year-old who is cannot leave the protection of the hermetically-sealed environment in her home because she suffers from a rare and famous disease called SCID that she was born with. One day, over the summer, the people next door move in and she sees this boy named Olly through the window. He writes his email on the window and they begin talking. Olly is a very athletic and flexible kid who like to climb everything. He’s also very smart and friendly. Olly’s father is very abusive towards everyone in the family, but mostly his mother, and that his sister has a smoking problem. One day with tons of convincing Carla, Madeline’s nurse, sneaks Olly in. Madeline thinks she’s in love, but she’s too afraid to admit it.

I was surprised when one day when Madeline is looking outside, she sees Olly, his dad, mom, and sister, all fighting. But then it gets physical and Olly almost gets knocked out, so she runs outside.

I wish the author didn’t leave on such a cliffhanger. Though, it did have an amazing ending, I just wish that she made more happen, besides just meeting each other. I wish she made the two characters go to more places or something like that.

Finally, I was interested in this passage, when Madeline runs outside and Olly is desperate to make sure she stays inside. Yoon writes:

“‘Go. Go back,’ He says.

My mom grabs my are and tries to pull me away. I’m vaguely aware that she’s hysterical. She’s stronger that I would’ve thought, but my need to see Olly is stronger.

‘Are you alright?’ I cry out again, unmoving.

He straightenes up slowly, gingerly, like something hurts, but the pain doesn’t show on his face.

‘Mads, I’m OK. Go back. Please.’ The full weight of our feeling for each other hangs between us.

‘I promise I’m OK.’ He says again, and I let myself be pulled away.” (136)

What I really like about this passage is that it shows how selfless Olly is and how no matter how hurt he is, he can’t have Madeline get hurt in any way. It also shows how much he wants her to be safe and how much he cares for her. Madeline is the same way. Her running outside with the potential of dying is very selfless. This really shows that she loves him and would do anything to make sure he is alright.

I will most definitely re-read this book again. Everything, Everything is a 8.5/10.




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1 thought on “Letter Essay #7 Keely LiCastri

  1. Keely,
    I’m glad you read and enjoyed this book; it’s been a popular one this year. You did a nice job summarizing the book. I really want you to work on elaborating in your Reflection. For example, when you begin a paragraph with one of those sentence starters, work on writing four or five sentences in response to that, including the use of some textual evidence. That will improve your ability to analyze text.
    Mr. Jockers

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