Trimester Two Reading Reflection

My goals were to read 200+ page books this trimester, and another goal was to read 11+ books this trimester, I read lot’s of 200+ page books , and I read exactly 11 books. This trimester I read 11 books. I read lot’s of challenging books, but the most challenging book I read was “BOMB,” this book was very challenging because it goes back to when the Atomic Bomb was being created, and I did not know a lot about WWII, and it was challenging because so many people came in and out of parts of the book so quickly. Since so many people were involved in making the Atomic Bomb. The best book I read was “HIROSHIMA” because I knew nothing about Hiroshima, and this book gave so much description, and know I know a lot about Hiroshima. My favourite author is Tim Green because all of his books are so entertaining and action filled. Also, because all of characters in his books meet up in one book. Right now my favorite genre is “realistic fiction,” because Tim Greene’s books are realistic fiction, and I love Tim Green’s books. In the beginning of this letter I stated the progress I made toward the goal I set for the second trimester. For the third trimester my goals are to only read three easy books, and read four traditional literature books.

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3 thoughts on “Trimester Two Reading Reflection

  1. I to have to read a certain amount of books and sometimes it’s difficult to finish the book in time. Usually I read books that are 200 or more pages because that’s what I’m use to. Some books can be challenging but I find that this books are usually the best.

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