Free Write-Lucas S.

It was a cold bitter morning just like every other February morning.  What was unique about today was that I was going on vacation to a country in Central America called Costa Rica.  Excitement flowed through my body as I thought of seeing my cousins in Costa Rica.  I warmed up from the heater in front of me as I thought to myself what we would do?  After about 45 minutes, we arrived at the airport.  We rushed through security and got to our gate.  We had some time to spare so we went to get some candy and eat a snack.  After we filled our bellies we went to our gate to relax before the six hour flight.  Over the intercom we heard “ We are ready to board passengers on flight 777 to Costa Rica.”  As for me, my family, and a family friend boarded the plane as we prepared for take off.  The plane picked up some speed as I was drifting off into my movie.  

Beep!  The loud noise startled me, the excitement in my bones just reminded me we were headed to Costa Rica to see our cousins.  The light above me went red meaning we need to attach our seatbelt and prepare for the landing.  As the plane rocked and shook as we landed, as I looked at the city of San Jose.  The light from the city lit up the mountains around the country.  The scenery was beautiful.  We were called then to exit the plane.  We walked to a conveyor belt that carried our luggage and then we walked to find our uncle.  When we found him we said, hello and headed through the door.  I was quickly warmed by the heat of the Spring time sun in Costa Rica.  It was a long ride to the house.  The house was located on a super steep hill.  Also it had a beautiful view of San Jose. I was starving when I arrived and ate some Lucky Charms.  This was probably not the most considerate choice of a late night snack.   

I was exhausted after the long day of traveling with excitement and joy.  I was beginning to fall asleep.  I went upstairs and saw my cousins getting ready for school.  I waved and talked to them for a bit discussing how the week would be like in this beautiful country.  Soon they were rushed out to school.  I knew I would see them later.  As I looked out at San Jose I thought about the joy and excitement I was able to experience in one great night.   As I was drifting off to sleep I was grateful for this trip and the joy of seeing my cousins. 


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2 thoughts on “Free Write-Lucas S.

  1. I’ve been to St. Joes before, it’s a very nice place. This sounds like it was a lot of fun. The plane ride must have been long though. It’s also cool that you got to see your cousins right before corona.

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