Transgender People Shouldn’t Choose Bathrooms

In Connecticut, there are currently laws that allow transgender people (including students) to use the bathroom of their choice. This means that biological females can go into the boys bathroom and biological boys can go into the girl bathrooms. 

This goes against rules I had known my whole life. Girls were supposed to use the girls bathroom and boys were supposed to use the boys bathroom. Now, if somebody identifies as “transgender,” they can use whatever bathroom they choose. This will not only make the people in that bathroom uncomfortable, but it will also increase the risk of attacks on the people in the bathroom. 

In October 2018, there was an attack on a kindergartener. This kindergartener was in the girls bathroom, when a “gender-fluid” student (who was born male) walked into the girls bathroom, and sexually harrased this kindergartener. This could have been avoided, if the “gender-fluid” student was forced to use the boys bathroom. Christiana Holcomb, the attorney for this kindergartner, stated in this article published by The Washington Post: “These transgender restroom policies are not working, They are failing to serve and protect the privacy and safety of little boys and girls at school, and that’s not okay.” And it’s not only at school where these laws should be changed. 

59% of adults in a CBS survey (nationwide) said that transgender people should be forced to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender at birth, while 26% said the opposite. There is a huge difference between 59% and 26%, which shows that most people want everyone to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender at birth. 

Some may say that we must allow transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice because it will help them feel supported, but is it really worth the risk of people (including young children) being sexualy assualted. I think not. 

The CT governer must remove the law that allows transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice, and replace it with a law that requires everyone to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender at birth. North Carolina already had a similar law, and I think every state should follow suit.

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