What Do You Have in Mind?

“AAHHHH!” Jaxon yelled as we galloped through the house, banging plastic containers with my mom’s wooden cooking spoons. I raised our king higher above my head as he slept (probably dead) in his own plastic container thrown. “WE HAVE COME TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!”

Our adventure began with one terribly boring Saturday. I was laying face up on my bed, staring at the ceiling, chewing on strands of my disheveled hair. I was very board. If I didn’t have something specific planned there was really nothing to do at my house on a weekend (this was long before my sisters were born). I needed to go on an adventure..or something. My adventures were always great. One time, I met a mermaid and another time I was saving a baby dragon. But my mom had another phrase for it that I never understood, she’d say, ‘Lexi, are you looking for trouble again?’

And as you could imagine, I had A LOT of free time on my hands. I could feel myself wasting away..

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” I sighed.

Jaxon’s tiny fingers wrapped around the white bedroom door. He peers inside.

“Good morning.” He says.

“Good afternoon,” I correct.

“Good afternoon.” He giggles.

I slightly look over the edge of my bunk bed and press my lips on the safety rail. Jaxon sits on my old shabby purple rug. He stares at me. I speak so my words are muffled.

“Do you want to find some trouble?”

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