Bio Poem: Sophie-Marie


Intelligent, headstrong, generous, talented

Daughter of Anthony and Daniele Fanzo, sister of Jackson and Elizabeth

Lover of the arts, literature, and celebrations

Who feel supported by her family, inspired by the world around her, and sad about all that has been lost.

Who finds beauty in the world, happiness in life, and faith in God.

Who needs encouragement to succeed, her friends to protect her, and music to understand herself. 

Who gives advice to her siblings, time to charity, and battery life to playing video games.

Who fears spiders, diseases that don’t have cures, and not being able to follow her dreams.

Who would like to see people she loves succeed in life, the world to return to “normal,” and for people who are different to be accepted by society.

Who enjoys singing songs with complex vocals, watching movies that make her cry, and her cousins visiting.

Who likes to wear ball gowns that make her feel like a princess, (though she doesn’t own any, or do it anymore), leggings and sweatshirts on days when she feels lazy, and styles that are popular in New York.

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3 thoughts on “Bio Poem: Sophie-Marie

  1. Hi Sophie-Marie,

    I really loved you Bio-Poem. I loved how honest you were and how all your lines fit together. Each of your lines was so poetic and flowed perfectly into the next one. I especially enjoyed you line about liking to wear “ball gowns that make her feel like a princess”. It was just so magical and fun to read. I also think you did a great job applying Writing Tip #1. You described nearly everything in detail, but didn’t overcrowd your poem with lists of bland adjectives. Instead, you immersed your descriptions into you sentences, making them very interesting to read. You line about being sad about “all that has been lost” really made me stop and think. I’d be really interested to know what you think has been lost. Everyone who reads your poem could interpret that line a different way. When you were writing, what did that line refer to? What is it supposed to mean? Overall, I really, really loved your poem. I think it’s very well written and enjoyable to read.


    1. Hey Adeline! Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I really appreciate your complements and questions! Speaking of which, I responding to answer yours! When I said that I was thinking mainly on little memories, I was the last kid fortunate enough to meet my grandmother “Nanny,” however I don’t remember her at all. This makes me really sad because I lost my memories of her, and basically her all together. I was also thinking about lost time, or time wasted. It’s hard to get into detail about it, but it was something I had been thinking a lot about lately. Anyway, Thank you some much for your comments!

  2. I really liked your Bio Poem it was detailed but not overwhelming, which I think it’s really good because the reader learns a lot about you but doesn’t get bored. I also feel sad about all that’s been lost. There’s just so so much stuff that was lost. I also fear spiders and not being able to follow my dreams because for the dream that I have I have to be pretty lucky. I also need friends to protect me as well, and I think most people want the world to return to “normal”. When I was younger I used to love wearing princess costumes, and even though I don’t have many dresses I love wearing them. Leggings and sweatshirts are basically my go to outfit for when I’m tired or don’t want to complicate myself picking a new outfit for the day. So I really enjoyed your poem because I can relate to most things.

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